15 E. 5th Street
Suite 4100
Tulsa, OK 74103
Conner & Winters was founded in Tulsa and the Tulsa office remains the largest of the firm’s current locations. The Tulsa office is staffed to provide representation on a local, regional, or international basis. Attorneys are able to provide advice on a wide range of litigation matters—from estates and trusts, to taxation, business and corporate matters.
- P. Bradley Bendure
- Jordan Berkhouse
- Mark Berman
- Elise Brennan
- Teresa Meinders Burkett
- David Cordell
- Courtney Coretz
- Katherine Coyle
- Robert Curry
- Kayla Finnegan
- Melodie Freeman-Burney
- Ashlyn Frix
- Allison Gardner
- Daniel Gomez
- P. Scott Hathaway
- McKayla Hendrix
- John Ingraham
- Jed Isbell
- Robert James
- Sam Kiehl
- Kathryn Kindell
- R. Richard Love, III
- Steven McGrath
- Robert Melgaard
- Lynnwood Moore, Jr.
- Nick Muñoz
- Russell Ramzel
- Douglas Rather
- R. Kevin Redwine
- J. Ryan Sacra
- Eric Sardella
- Ryan Scharnell
- Paige Shelton
- Beverly Smith
- Eric Smith
- Gentra Sorem
- Hayley Stephens
- Jason Taylor
- Timothy Trump
- Andrew Turner
- Nancy Vaughn
- Hilary Velandia
- Stephen Ward
- Danny Williams, Jr.
- Christopher Wilson
- Martin Wing